Effects of AI Use on Interpersonal Perceptions of Job Applicants

To better understand the impact of AI in employment-related contexts, we conducted two experiments (the first being pre-registered) investigating how the use of AI by applicants influences their job opportunities. [(Link)](https://doi.org/10.1089/cyber.2020.0863)

Not All AI Are Equal: Exploring the Accessbility of AI-Mediated Communication Technology

We examine a gap between availability and accessibility as it relates to the adoption of AI-Mediated Communication (AI-MC) tools - including voice-assisted communication, language correction, predictive text suggestion, transcription, translation, and personalized language learning tools - by conducting an online survey. [(Link)](https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2021.106975)

Social Media and Well-being: A Methodological Perspective

We provide a review of five methodological developments poised to provide increased understanding in the domain of social media and well-being: (1) the use of longitudinal and experimental designs; (2) the adoption of behavioural (rather than self-report) measures of SMU; (3) a shift away from aggregate use; (4) the emergence of an idiographic media effects paradigm; and (5) the use of formal modelling and machine learning. [(Open Access Preprint)](https://psyarxiv.com/exhru/)

A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Discrepancies Between Logged and Self-Reported Digital Media Use

Through a meta-analysis, we investigate the relationship between self-reported and device-logged media use. [(Open Access Link)](https://rdcu.be/ckK81)

Artificial intelligence in communication impacts language and social relationships

Two randomized experiments (n = 1036) provide evidence that a commercially deployed AI changes how people interact with and perceive one another in pro-social and anti-social ways. We find that even though AI can increase communication efficiency and improve interpersonal perceptions, it risks changing users’ language production and continues to be viewed negatively. [(PDF - arXiv)](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2102.05756.pdf)

Priming effects of social media use scales on well-being outcomes: The influence of intensity and addiction scales on self-reported depression

We examine the possibility that different associations between social media and depression may be caused by the survey design itself, not by underlying differences in depression. [(Open Access Link)](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/2056305120961784)